Day: March 18, 2022

Hockey games

We learned about hockey skills.

First we dribble with a hockey stick and the hockey ball.

Then we dribble two times and push pass and you have to pass to your partner with a hockey stick and the hockey ball.

Next we know the foot rule is when the hockey ball comes to your leg then you are out.

Last we dribble the ball with the hockey stick.

I enjoyed the Hockey skills because I good at dribble and push past.

I did well at hockey stick because it makes me focus.

I need to improve on controlled on holding the hockey stick.





We learned about characteristics.

First we defined characteristics. A characteristic is ”a feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or thing and serving to identify them”.

Then we drew a body outline, next we wrote the characteristics that are negative and positive to do with being a team member. The positive goes inside  the body outline, and negative is outside the body.

We liked this task because we had lots of fun making the body outline.

We did well at characteristics because it makes us focus but, we need to get better at  drawing body outlines.

By Aarush, Kayson, Wyatt, Jenesis and Myah.