Day: September 23, 2022


I learned about T-ball skills.

First we played a warm up game, Where we had to run to the nearest cone and back before the fielders put the ball back on the Tee.

Then we played the game called T-ball. We had to run around the base before the fielders put the ball back on the T. Our team was batting first. When I got the turn I hit the ball very hard. After that when three of our team members were out, we swpped and started fielding.

I enjoyed because I like doing t-ball.I did well at hiting with the bat. I need to improve on catching the ball.


Maori Athlete

I learned about maori athlete.

First I choose a famous person called Suzie bates.

Then I put the title and the photo in the google draw and even questions.

Last I answered the question about suzie bates.

I enjoyed because I like doing Maori Athlete. I did well at answered the questions. I need to improve on writing more about suzie bates.