Day: March 2, 2023

What is a River?

This week we have been learning about what rivers are, their unique attributes and how to label them. We then created a DLO about the Tamaki river and its history. Did you know the Tamaki river is 15 Kilometres long. Using our knowledge that we acquired, we showcased the features of the Tamaki river using an aerial map. We then compared the Tamaki River with a prominent river in the world. Our group chose to look at the Mississippi. Finally we made a comparison of the two rivers.

We found this activity interesting because I learnt new things about a river around the World.

What is a River

LI: To identify and describe the features of the Tamaki River.

This week we have been learning about what rivers are, their unique attributes and how to label them. We then created a DLO about the Tamaki river and its history. Did you know that the Tamaki river is mostly an esturial arm and harbour of the Hauraki Gulf. Using our knowledge that we acquired, we showcased the features of the Tamaki river using an aerial map. We then compared the Tamaki River with a prominent river in the world. Our group chose to look a missisippi river. Finally we made a comparison of the two rivers.

We found this activity fun because I and my group learned about new facts about the river.