Month: November 2023

How to prepare Harakeke

LI: To learn how to prepare harakeke flax

This week we learnt how to prepare a harakeke flax as it will be helpful for our item on the PBSMD (Panmure Bridge School Market Day). Something I found interesting about harakeke was at the bottem of the harakeke it is hard because I never knew that.

I found this activity interesting because the harakeke is useful for the maori.

Celebrating Diwali

LI: To use your smart searching skills to find out what Diwali is and how people celebrate around the world.

Our challenge was to write create a DLO that tells others what Diwali is and how people celebrate around the world. Something I found interesting was goodness took over evil because Rama the person who defeated Ravana and he was the evil spirited.

I found this activity great because in diwali they light the candle in the diya and they put in water and they pry for the gods.

Inchcape Rock

LI: To find and summarise the story behind the poem

The ship sits still, no sight of wind nor waves. The waves overflow the bell, but no movement was found. A bell rings when the tide is high for sailors. Mariners go past the inchcape rock and blesses Abbot of Aberbrothok. As the sun was shining the sea-birds screamed and wheeled. The Inchcape rock was seen, Sir Ralph walked over his deck. He felt a singing sensation and sang with a mirth. His crew lowered a boat. He rowed to the Inchcape Rock. Sir Ralph cut the Inchcape bell from the inchcape float. The bell sank, Ralph quotes no one will bless Aberbrothok. Sir Ralph sails away with his stolen equipment from sailers. Rover notice it’s getting dark and was seeing no land. They thought they were nearby but saw complete darkness. Darkness is seen, they wish to hear the Inchcape bell. It was silent until crash “we’ve hit the Inchcape Rock”. Sir Ralph tore his hair and cursed himself in pain. Slowly dying, he hears the horrid sound of his death. 

Our challenge was to unpack the story behind the 17 verses of the poem Inchcape Rock by Robert Southy. The part I found interesting was Sir Ralph cut the inchcape bell because Sir Ralph quotes no one will bless Aberbrothok.

I found this activity good because It tells the peom about about inchcape bell.

Phares dans la Tempete, la Jument

LI: To use your smart searching skills to find the story behind this picture

Our challenge was to write create a DLO that shows where this lighthouse is and what the story is behind the image. We found out that the Phares dans la Tempete, la Jument is a lighthouse in 1989 and Theodore Malgorn thought he was rescue and Jean Guichard circled above the lighthouse from the photo and in 1990 he was secord of the world-press for his famous photo.

I found this activity interesting because It tells about the lighthouse was seen the midst of a storm wave crashing.

What happened down the stairs?

LI: To understand the 5 senses can be used to strengthen a description

Our challenge was to co construct a text using the olfactory, auditory, gustatorial, visual and kinesthetic senses to describe the story behind the shoes in this image. This time we were able to speak and sat facing our partners. Once we had completed this part of the challenge we joined together with another group to share our writing and make sure what we had written made sense and had met the language feature challenge.

I found this activity enjoyed because it tells about the stairs 

These Shoes have a story to tell

LI: To use the 5 senses and personification to help us paint a picture with words.To understand that personification is to give an inanimate object human qualities.

Our challenge was to co construct a text using personification and the senses to describe the story behind the shoes in this image. We sat back to back and weren’t able to talk… Half way through Mrs Anderson challenged us to include a rhetorical question and a simile or metaphor…Once we had completed this part of the challenge we joined together with another group to share our writing and make sure what we had written made sense. After that part of the challenge was finished we used the punctuation points game to… We marked eachother’s punctuation against the points table. We then had a chance to check our own work against the points table. That was fun because every point our partners missed menat we could take a point off theirs.

I found this activity enjoyed  because the tells about the shoes.