Tag: Tech

Cooking Tech

Last week in tech we made creps. Creps are like pancakes but thinner and we have to be in pairs and then we grab the pan, fork, scoop thing, bowl mixing and mixing thing. We get the flower and then the egg and put in the small bowl and then crack it and then mix up the egg and then we have to put the water in the mixing bowl and then after it was mix we put the egg and mix again and then after it was done mixing, We use the scoop thing so we can put in the pan and after we made 5 creps we can hazenut nutella and whip cream.

I enjoyed this activiy because we can put whip cream.

Cooking Tech

This week we went to tech.

The thing we did in tech was cooking and we were cooking sweetcorn fritters. First we get one egg and crack it and use a fork and a bowl to beaten the yolk and we use half cup of flour into the bowl and we added salt and mixed togother in the bowl by using the fork. After it was mixed, We put the sweet corn in the bowl and the beaten egg to mix it again. After its was mixed togother again, We use the pan to put the stove and put oil in the pan and cook the firitters. After it was done, we put in a bowl and we can choose if we wanted sour cream or sweet chill or nothing on the fritters to finished our meal

I enjoyed this task because we got to cook fritters in tech.


Last week we are making paper masks. We use they balloons to put glue water by using paper after it is drying up we take the balloon off the paper and put more paper for the noise, mouth or eyes and we drying it again after then we use paint to colour the mask and put buttons or anything and we use hot glue to put the stuff in and we dry it.

I find activiy is fun because we can make our own mask from using paper.